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Re: parasite's role? by humaworm ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   6/12/2007 1:33:31 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   2,425

Good questions! Let's take them one at a time.

Candida, for instance, is a parasitic fungus. It is present in the human body and does no harm. Other bacteria are also parasitic - but are good for the body. This is what pro-bioitics are all about. Only when the natural balance of things are thrown off kilter do we begin to have health problems.

Anti-biotics are simply one bacteria that eats another bacteria. The "good" battling the "bad". They can be life-saving - but - they can also upset the balance. The use of anti-biotics can kill the friendly bacteria that keep the candida in check - but anti-biotics don't kill fungus - therefore, the candida will grow to outrageous porportions. (Hope this making sense:)

When a child is exposed to germs - they will develop a resistance to them. This has been tested recently and proved true. Same phenomenon that vacinations and flu and pneumonia shots are built upon - expose the body to a certain weak "germ" and the body will create a natural antibody for that germ so that if a stronger version of the same germ enters - the body will attack and destroy it immediately.

The human body was not meant to ingest and process all of these strange chemicals found in food and water and synthetic drugs. This type of diet and lifestyle will weaken the body. If a weak body gets a parasite infection - it can't fight it like a strong, healthy body would. But then again - even a strong, healthy body can't fight certain parasite infections - like malaria.

Parasite cleansing will not only remove parasites and toxins - it will allow the immune system to rest, relax and become very powerful and strong again. Parasite infections keep the immune system "on" - it is constantly fighting parasites and their toxins so when any other small ailment comes along - the immune system cannot fight it off like it should. Cleaning the body will result in bringing it back to balance.

HUMAWORM contains many natural forms of anti-biotics. In fact, penicillin is taken from the mold that grows naturally on hyssop leaves. Thyme and barberry are also very powerful anti-biotics. These natural anti-biotics are very different than "man-made" anti-biotics. They are slower and more gentle and work differently than mass produced pharm meds.

HUMAWORM contains a balance of ingredients - it removes candida because it also contains anti-fungals. It is removing bacteria, fungus, viruses, other parasites and toxins too. This is why I feel that a herbal blend is so much better than a single herb treatment for parasite cleansing.


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