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Bleeding Ulcer!! by jwmonkey ..... Stomach Ulcer Support Forum

Date:   7/21/2006 4:15:45 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,515

About a year ago, I had a Gastric Bypass procedure. 8 months later I went out one night and noticed I was very weak and tired and even had some cold sweats. The next morning I noticed alot of black tarry stool. I was weak and dizzy and ended up in the emergency room.I had an Endoscopy and the bleeding had stopped but I lost 1/3 of my blood and had to stay in the hospital for 3 days. This was expensive and not fun. This was a few months ago. This morning I noticed black and tarry stool again. I panicked. I ran to the store and baught some Pepcid AC and some Aloe Vera Juice and some chewable pills to coat my stomach. I got back to work and since its in the 100s outside I felt weak and dizzy. I started looking up on the internet ways to stop the bleeding and help with my issue so I wont have to end up in the hospital. I found that Ceyenne pepper about 1 teaspoon in hot water will stop the bleeding and cauterize the wound and help reroute the bloodflow to the rest of my body so as the would can heal and clot. I ran to the store again in the heat and picked up some powdered ceyenne and made a tea. I used a little more then a teaspoon and I drank it. Wow I thought I was gonna pass out , vomit and or crap myself so I went to the bathroom and sat on the seat and waited for the roller coaster to end. There was pain and I was sweating and felt like I was gonna pass out but it passed and now I have my energy back. Maybe its the endorphines and I am praying that the bleeding did indeed stop otherwise I will end up in the hospital. But I have my fingers crossed. I am feeling better, thats a start.


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