10 yrold hypo, lost hair by minniemiller ..... Hypothyroid & Wilson’s Disease
Date: 6/6/2007 12:22:54 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 2,393
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=888996
Hello all,
My 10 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with hypo thyroid, her TSH is 10.56,
she has no symptoms of being hypo. We found out after some blood work, due to the fact that for some reason she has lost almost all of her eyebrows, mainly the outer parts she still has hair closer to the bridge of her nose, she also has lost almost all of her eyelashes on her top eyelid-she maybe has 4-6 lashes on the left and about 8-10 on her right eye. She so far has kept the lashes on the bottom lid.
HELLPP! What is going on? Will this grow back?
She is an early bloomer, and is feeling VERY self concious already, she wants false eyelashes and I am afraid that the glue from them will rip out the last of the lashes. ANY advice would be great, I want to treat this as holisticly,naturally as possible, she has an appointment with an endocrinologist soon-so no meds until then.
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