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Re: O/T ... Re: Another good reason for regular Humaworm cleanses by justnmerciful ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   6/6/2007 11:58:51 AM ( 17 y ago)
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Fledgling, Everyone,

"Do you notice themes running through the Ask Humaworm forum...and many forums on the CureZone?

One is the effectiveness of the ways of our forefathers. It is as though, without telephones or computers, using only 'the grapevine' and talking over the back fence, they distilled and passed on much of what was, and still is, important.

And goodwill is shown to be very much alive and well.

We are very much 'pack animals' in that we need and benefit from each other."

Right you are. The internet has become our back fence for chatting over. Thankfully it exists for I believe that before it became more common as a form of communication, people were becoming and feeling more and more isolated from one another.

This isolation alone can cause sickness as we are very much pack animals. We are meant to have healthy relationships. Those most in need often don't appear to want to interact with others in a healthy way it seems. Yet, with care and attention shown and given to them, their health and ways of interacting will often make a drastic turnaround. Goodwill may often include a great deal of patience too.

"Through all the confusions of life we remember folks like Gandhiji, simply because he did it well. He did the best he could with what he found in life.

And so do we.

That's a beautiful thing."

Ah, thank you for the reminder. We can only do that which we are able to do, and every starfish that is thrown back into the ocean benefits that lone starfish. So what if it is only one at a time. Each will make a ripple that will flow outwards and touch many others.

"Sleep well,"

Thank you! I did. Though, the previous night was a different story and last night's slumber was most welcome. (I had a watering eye. It was so profuse it kept waking me up. Haven't ever had that to that degree before. Believe those parasites are already on their way out!)

Today is the beginning of Day 3. :)

About Ghandi... I don't know when the movie with Ben Kingsley first came out on TV. 20 years ago, longer? Anyway, I had watched it then. (Come to find out later, much later, that movie had a profound affect on my life's path.) Around 3 or 4 days ago, I watched it again for the 2nd time. Marvelous show, marvelous. I highly recommend it. May we all love ourselves and others as purely as he did.

Be Well,


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