Re: Genital Herpes by #162558 ..... STD Alternatives Support Forum
Date: 4/6/2003 3:13:34 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits: 2,892
I contracted genital herpes about 25 years ago and used to have frequent attacks. Then the attacks became less and less frequent the more vitamins I took as I used to be a bodybuilder. For a period of about 10 years I had ZERO outbreaks-then my son was arrested for murder and I had an outbreak(high stress?). Anyway, I started taking this stuff by blueskies nuttritional systems and have had no outbreaks for one year-more stress due to my sons case. I have read that certain proteins-lysine in particular, can prevent outbreaks. I know that as long as I keep my vitamin intake high and keep myself relatively stress free, I have no outbreaks.
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