Re: Raw goat's vs Raw Cow's milk ? by 333333 ..... Raw Food: The Raw Omnivore Diet
Date: 4/29/2007 6:25:03 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 5,105
The small fat things floating around is the fat or cream. Nothing gross about that. When it floats to the top in cows milk I skim it off and eat w/ strawberries and a touch of raw honey-yum! Although goats milk is less mucous forming and easier to digest for some it certainly doesn't mean raw cows isn't good for you. Especially if your able to get it in a fresher state rather than frozen. Also one of the most important factors in all this is what the animal was fed. If the cows are grass fed- perfect!! Lastly your own unique metabolic needs is what will determine how you respond. For example to much of any dairy seems to be mucous forming while I know many others who drink liters of the stuff. Listen to your body and see what it tells you. Hope this helps somewhat!
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