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Lyme Disease? by Aherantoxologist ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   4/28/2007 9:19:50 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   5,977

I'm dying. ..Actually, I'm doing pretty well now that I've found the right forum for my most current concern:

Three days ago I pulled a small soft tick from my skin just toward the back side of my knee. Having grown up in Arkansas, I've probably done this 300 times before. But, this little fella looked more like a tiny fleck of bread crust than a typical wood-tick, and I couldn't find him following an instinctive quick flick towards the floor.

The following morning I had a sharp, screwdriver-like pain at the site of the bite, but I've see no discerning feature there other than a tiny red spot, (smaller than a chigger,) and possibly a pestile about 15nm at the most. Overall, I would not have expected any reaction to this tick other than itchiness for a day or so, but not this time.

A severe 'biting' pain then appeared at my groin, and I discerned tenderness in the arterial connections therein. A few hours later, another arterial blockage occured. Now it felt as if I had two blood clots, distinctly lined-up with my hip. Soon, the entire band from my inseam to my hip was in pain, so I've gently massaged the entire leg in broad strokes to increase circulation.

This morning, (day four) the pain is entirely dispersed throughout my entire left leg down to the knee. I'm on a four hours up, four hours down schedule. No appetite for two days. Flat broke, I'm using all I have: Asperin, Motarin, {Organic Yogurt, Cherrys & Juice,} n-Kinaise, Allicin, and Alka-Seltzer. Finally, I thought to try Bentonite Clay to suck the posion out of the skin.

Overall, the pain is no longer localized like a severe blood-clot. But, I'm wondering if I may need to see an M.D., or use some antibiotic?


Four hours have elapsed. Prognosis not good. It's slowly hitting my internal organs. and now more, not less pain. I might call Doc., still no demarcation at entry wound. Can't sit up.


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