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The enemy is still us... by grzbear ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   4/26/2007 12:12:16 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   3,687

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I am unable to see what you and others seem to see without a willingness to provide me with examples.

Given that my requests for examples are either being ignored (you are not the only one I have requested examples from) OR the examples simply do not exist, I am left with a belief that mega dosing Iodine supplementation, perhaps without adequate mineral supplementation (I take the ML drink, and eat a very mineral rich diet remember?) leads to paranoid delusions, easily enabling a divided front... chapter 6 remember?

I am witnessing those whom I believed otherwise of sound mind fall off the deep end here and am unable to understand why without some help. Do you have those "many" post examples from those "multiple IDs" and do you have proof of "payment" for the services they are rendering... if not, it is merely speculation and suspicion on your part that, as I said borders on paranoid delusion.

If in fact you do have "proof" as apposed to purely circumstantial evidence from your and other's perspectives, you have something, and I will listen and understand; otherwise you have nothing but the wild goings on in your head.

You are obviously an intelligent person in many respects and I have found value in many of your posts, but this is craziness to me.

If your post and those of others are examples of what Iodine supplementation invokes in the mind of people who jump onto\into the mega dosing bandwagon, I would be led to advise extreme caution for ANYONE embarking on the journey.

Sure Iodine may be a "missing" link in the great scheme of things, however, it alone is NOT the be all, end all to health and never will be. Use some common sense here; it would be a breath of fresh air. In fact, the fresh air could do us all some good.

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