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Fungus and getting rid of it by pulling_together ..... Ringworm Forum

Date:   4/18/2007 10:33:43 AM ( 17 y ago)
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I've had a fungal infection since I was about 10. That's over 20 years. I've tried everything and want to share my experiences so that other people can benefit. I'm not selling anything by the way!

Firstly fungus lives inside and outside the body. You can kill it outside but have it raging inside ready to spread out again through your ass. It also lives in dead skin that might come off on your clothes/bedding/towels/dust etc. You can clean it off your body, or flake it off in dead skin, but if that skin is left nearby (poorly washed clothes, infrequently washed towels/bedding) you can quickly pick it the fungus up again. You can of course pick it up from a partner or team mate. The trick is to make you body a difficult place for fungus to grow while also killing off the current infection. Then you need to go into a holding pattern avoid foods that the fungus loves, and ramp up your personal grooming. This sounds severe but takes no more time that you current washing regime.

I've experiments with diet and creams and powders and here's what works for me. Firstly you have to say to yourself that you don't want to live with this. That's a point of will. Then I think you have to remove the fungii's food source. The more I've experimented the more I come back to thinking yeast and refined Sugar are rocket fuel for fungus. I am convinced, though I have no proof outside my experiences, that these food exacerbate the infections; chocolate, alchohol (particularly yeasty beer, but all to one degree or another), breads and wheat generally, diary including the ultimate fungus fertilizer chocolate covered icecream!

On the flipside these "foods" help greatly; lemon juice (two tablespoons in a pint of water at rise and before bed), garlic (utter fantastic popped raw, though don't chew obviously!), thyme, neem, chamomile, sage, coconut oil, and tea tree.

Fungus need warm moist places to grow. Your gut is fantastic for this, so are your veins especially if you have high-blood Sugar to feed the fungus, groin, armpits, scalp, toes etc ...

To kill the fungus, and for me it was jock itch that really stuck with me - large areas of red skin either side of my testes and all the way up my ass. Skin that would smell terrible and look terrible - you want to first off take a lemon into the shower. Put lemon juice onto the area with some water - it will sting but it works. Then dry thoroughly. When total dry apply aloe vera gel or tea tree oil mixed with coconut oil. All three are antifungals, and all three help your skin grow back healthy. Combine this cleansing with clean underpants/clothes and watch the jock its dissappear. Avoid steriod creams I reckon, they are harsh on your system.

Then combine in a new diets that avoids the aforementioned bad foods, and increases the antifungal good foods - lemon, garlic etc - to kill the roots of the fungus in your gut.

Then its just patience - ride out this routine for a couple of weeks. When you are convinced all is well its not, add another week. By then you will have a pretty groin area again and can keep fungus at bay any time it comes back. Remember to keep your room clean, sheets clean etc (wash at least once a week). Two tips - avoid starch based powders - I spent loads on baby skin powder that had tea tree oil in only to find that fungus feeds on starch (these powders are often corn starch), also avoid diluting the tea tree or neem in olive oil - olive oil also feeds fungus, cocunut oil does not.

Don't live with it people, it'll ruin your sexual confidence and make oral sex for your partner a real no no! Get rid of the fungus and get making love. Here endith the fungal lesson!

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