Re: Johnny Apple Bomb: I'm going crazy trying to pick out a Blood Purifier by Johny Apple Bomb ..... Dr. Bob Beck Forum
Date: 4/17/2007 11:38:08 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 2,754
I say you should either start with the complete, exact, to the letter, "Beck Protocol". Use only Sota products except for the ozonator to be sure.
Also use the magnetic pulser to pulse the spine, ganglia areas of the tailbone area and the temple area in the head. This is where the dormant form lives. Just my idea.
Or if your a techy you could get an Atelier Robin and use the Hulda Clark Protocol.
Add plasma tube system later. For now get a coaxial to banana plug jack at the Atelier robin site. Buy some bannana plug cables at an electronic store. buy a set of copper hand holds like these.
It all depends on what you can afford. How much time you have to experiment.
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