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John of God part II, by MH by MH ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   4/16/2007 12:51:30 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,320

Tonight I got to reveiw a video from Brasil on john of god's operations, I must admit, I was shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had presumed this guy was some what legit, otherwise thousands wouldn't come to him, but I was quite shocked to see he is a fake....

He does 4 things on the video:
1. he scrapes the eye ball
2. he cuts out little fatty tumors
3. he makes a cut on the body and puts in 1-2 stitches
4. he prescribes herbs
5. he pushes a pair of forsips with a cotton ball down your nose to the back of your throat and twist it, etc.

My conclusion and mind you, I am a NO BODY, this is just my concluson of watching two dvds about this guy; to me is a fake. I suggest any dead beat vet with a few hours training and a "mad man" mentality could do the exact thing john of god this guy possessed by up to 35 differant catholic saints/doctors? Hell no, he is allert, in control and enjoying what he is doing! He is a show man who enjoys the power he has over these bewildered people...The catholic mentality draws thousands and this guy has created his own little kingdom.

MY THEORY on this catholic scam;

1. scraping the eye ball with a dull kitchen knife
It hurts bad, the person can barely stand it. With some he scrapes a little cateract off, but otherwise he is DOING NOTHING MORE than stimulation of a POWERFUL NERVE! Mix in religion and you have POW WOW! Nothing more!

2.Cuts out the little wrist bible bumps and little fatty tumors of the arm. BIG WOOP, anyone with a knife can do the same, he squeezes the person where he makes the little cut and yes, it hurts, but a sharp knife and a quick 5 second job and one stitch and off they go to recovery to deal with the pain.

3. He makes a cut at the location you hurt or may have a tumor deep in and then puts in 1-2 loose stitches. This allows the body to "ooze" out the toxins or push a tumor up and out. No differant than the use of the old cancer salves that eat a hole in your body, this guy just makes a very shallow quick cut and it HURTS.

NOTE THIS, this guy wants you all to see the little blood that his cuts produce, it is ALL SHOW and FEAR! This guy does not operate, he is a 100% fake as far as operations go! He doesn't come close to cutting any deeper than the first layer of fat, just to the point he can produce a little blood for all to see! HE DOES NOT wipe up the blood, he wants it to get on the person's cloths, he wants the FEAR FACTOR, it is part of the show that makes the POW WOW work!

He writes out a little herb prescription. He does not charge for this and the cuts are free as well. I can bet the herbs are NOT FREE. We have a local rip off who looks at your eyes and says all kinds of crap and then writes you a free herb prescription which he hopes you will buy the herbs from his store. Figure if he only makes a $1 kick back from the source where these thousands people go to buy the herbs and this john of god is making plenty!

5. the nose
He commonly pushes a pair of forsips in your left side of your nose, down to your throat, then bends your head and gives it a twist and then jerks it out! Dr. Douglas Hays and other doctors in the USA do a similar thing but not so sever, they use surgical balloons and seek to crack a skull bone and when you watch john of god, that is all he is doing, he is cracking/stimulating this same skull bone. He hurts the person very badly, but that is part of the fear show he puts on!

John of god is covered with liver spots all over his arms, he is over weight, his hair shows he has heart/prostrate problems. His eyes have the look of a mad man, someone I would not let touch a sick dog. I can gurantee you all, this man is LOADED WITH WORMS! His liver mostly destroyed and intestines a sewer of disease.

MD surgeons do the same thing once in awhile, they make a cut on the body and stitch it up, but neer tell the patient it was a FAKE surgery. The doctor then compares his sham surgeries to his real surgeries and then see if one out lives the other and yes, it is LEGAL to do "sham" surgery in the USA and other countries.

This guy uses the catholic voo doo saints as his gimmick to lure the people in, his helpers/nurses are pathetic examples that I would not let hold my sick dog. He is in a land where people go into hypnotic transes and cut their bodies and do bazzarr cerimonies, he has capitilized on this same mentality using the catholic gods known as saints...

John of God's methods uses FEAR mixed with "stimulation". An old MD had better results by sticking a chrome 2 cell flashlight up the butts of his patients! Others used rubber bands to inflick pains of stimulation, some use cancer salves to eat a hole in the body, etc., etc. and in 100% of every case, the body sent blood to the damaged cells and the human blood did the cure.

John has a small success rate, some may take many such visits before they notice any improvement, the question being, would his success rate drop even lower if he did not prescribe herbs to most of the people????

I had hoped to see some sort of Spiritual healing at work, but by watching the videos and NOT BEING conned by the words, because I could not understand one word of the video, the man appeared to be 100% himself, an actor at best. I personally believe the 35 catholic saints/spirits to be a 100% catholic fraud, just like the same catholic frauds that thousands, hundreds of thousands travel to see some bazzaar catholic tear drop or drop of blood or vision, etc., etc. only to see NOTHING when they arrive, but talk to "planted" FAKES who say they are gifted and they can see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! while the ones that traveled half way around the country never see anything and feel inferrior to the gifted catholic people who say they see!

The ONLY WAY I would travel to Brasil to see John of GOD, is if he would agree to do a liver cleanse and I could show the crowd a 5 gallon bucket of worms that came from this guy and maybe these 35 demons would leave his body and he could live in peace!

You don't have to watch the discovery channel/pbs, etc. very long before you see shows of how thousands upon thousands of people do great harm to their bodies because of their religion! I guess this is why the american government had no problems 60-100 years ago entering these countries and taking people and using them as subjects in nuclear experiments as well as all sorts of posions, etc. as well as they had no problems in current times reducing Africa's population. Those people at the Roswell, Mexico experiment were not aliens from outer space, they were simple south american humans severely burned by nuclear radiation thanks to the usa government, they killed these people just s easily as they killed the monkies, to them there was no differance. Christian attitudes (aka catholic) seen all of these non white people as less than human because of their bazaar rituals and not knowing jesus.

It is sad to see these desparate people from around the world wanting to believe a man is possessed and can heal them.............what an insult this hs to be to our ONE GOD.


If your still wondering how a cut on the body can heal sicknesses, just look at the average scrape or cut, a yellow puss comes as a oozing scab. This puss never came from the cut, it came form the body, it is non-digested food traveling in the lymph glands seeking a way out of the body......... The sitz bath is 5,000X better than anything John of God has ever conjerred up! To see these poor fools is to see the perfect example of the blind being lead by the blind.

The orange juice fast is about 100,000X better treatment and you save all that airfare! Instead of a knife cut to your body, just take your cloths off and roll down a grassy hillside and get a total body stimulation! Thats guranteed to give God a good laugh as well and surely a good father loves to laugh with his children haVING FUN!


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