--Pride--Ego--and Vanity-- by moreless ..... Ask Moreless: pH Balance
Date: 4/15/2007 10:58:47 AM ( 18 y ago)
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Hi Ya'll,
"WHY" do "WE" let our Pride, Ego, and Vanity get the best of us ?
What do I mean by this ?
"WHY" when "WE" may have stuck our foot into our mouth so to speak and have made a "Fool" out of ourself in trying to communicate our ideas or thoughts about a subject, and it may have come to the surface that "WE" did not know what "WE" thought "WE" knew about the subject, and instead of just admitting to ourself, that "WE" have made a mistake, that "WE" continue to stick our foot into our mouth ?
Or in other words, "WHY" do we continue to stick our fingers in the Fire to get Burned ?
What happens to us when we take this Poor attitude of not facing the Facts of Life ?
Could it be, that we let Pride and Ego and Vanity get the Best of us, and choose to Lose what Little Natural Common Sense we had and choose to take the path of Blaming others for our own short commings !
I believe somewhere I heard that the Last resort of a Febble mind was Violence, could this also be considered resorting to name calling, when "WE" have Lost it in our upper chambers of knowledge ?
Wouldn't it be Better to admit we do not understand and go on with Life ?
Wouldn't it be Better to Learn to not make the same mistake twice, so that we may receive the Blessings we are searching for ?
"WHY" does mankind become so Hard headed to the point of cutting off their own Nose just to spite their own Face ?
"WHY" do "WE" not just Learn to "not" continue to stick our fingers into the Hot Fire when we get Burned the first time ?
It surely must be because of Pride and Ego and Vanity, which may Cause professing Christians to become such "Hyprocrites" ?
Smile Tis your choice.
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