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Re: This is getting expensive - how can I know what I've got? by #56398 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   4/6/2007 2:05:40 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,907

I suggest going to a CHinese herbal doc at least for a diagnosis. If you have deficient chi, you may need to do something for energy. You don't have to do anything that doesn't feel right to you. You can do acupressure, acupuncture, reiki. I don't think they are real big at pushing the GOd beliefs. I have done them all and found the energy stuff more helpful than most everything else so far.
And you can learn to do it yourself, meditate etc.

I am a huge fan of Curezone, but I have to say the trial and error approach leaves a lot to be desired. You have to be so in tune with your body that you can tell if something is helping or making you worse. ANd you have to have a lot of time and patience to try it all. I have done better since I quit focusing solely on detox and got an herbalist involved and some energy folks. If I had continued to do detox and not followed the ph stuff and some other things, I believe I would have been much worse now.

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