Re: Seeking Advice on Iodoral, Juice Fasting, & Niacin Flush Detox by want2beclean ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 4/5/2007 6:42:08 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 5,775
I have used niacin and Iodine together, with no adverse effects, as a matter of fact, try googling those two words together and see what you come up with. If I were you, I would start with one Iodoral, and not slam the system...
Even with juice fast, I strongly recommend that you take plenty of vitamin C daily, along with 200 mcg selenium, and Sea Salt and some magnesium, too - all to keep the toxins moving out of the system - this is very important and makes the difference between feeling good and feeling like poo-poo.
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