Re: Concern for grandchildren by want2beclean ..... Narcissism/Sociopathy Survivors Forum
Date: 4/4/2007 1:01:22 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 9,703
From experience I can tell you that your daughter may be a long way yet from even beginning to understand what happened to her. Intellect and self esteem have really very little to do with saving you from the ravages of a narcissistic partner. They are cunning and baffling and powerful.
There are pages on this site that describe narcissists in great detail, as well as the effects on their children and victims. I strongly urge you to check this out, as it really gave me perspective and understanding.
I grew up with a very abusive dad- kidnapped my sister and I, began to beat me regularly once I became a pre-teen, etc. We grew up with the best of everything (except parenting), and I mean the best. He is wealthy and powerful, charming, but when the door to our house closed, it was hell. As I grew into adulthood, I attracted abusive men, as well. I truly thought I would never escape. I too was quick to defend them at the same time as I hated them. Anyway, long story short, I overcame these difficulties. When I found the site I am suggesting, stuff started to click into place and make sense, and some of the insanity that I lived through was given a name - a diagnosis - which has helped. I accept my dad as very sick, I choose to not have a relationship with him, although in some weird way I still care for him. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that you saw my "credentials". :)
Soulful Survivor is very wise, and you can trust her, as well. Please stay in touch with us, as no one really comes here by mistake.
Check out the link - it is great and you will have lots of reading....
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