Re: Color of Colloid by ParaZapper ..... Colloidal Silver Forum
Date: 12/24/2005 1:50:14 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 1,875
>- Bob Beck said if the silver particle is to small it will get into areas of the body that will kill off so called benifitial bacteria.
Since it takes smaller particles to kill a virus, it seems like if it is not small enough to kill a beneficial bacterium, it is probably not much good against a viral infection.
Perhaps the killing of beneficial bacteria is a different function, that of absorbtion rather than particulate size.
As most beneficial bacteria live in the colon and CS should be absorbed by the small intestine before it reaches the colon, if it is not successfully absorbed then more of it reaches the colon, killing the bacteria there. If the particles are too large, they are less likely to be absorbed.
Just a thought.
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