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Re: your scars CAN heal! by plasticat ..... Moles, Birthmarks & Scars Forum

Date:   2/6/2007 9:51:44 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   77,974


That is great...if indeed it is true. The sad fact is that I have thought the same thing was happening to me soooo many times. I would get so excited thinking that my health regimen and my fasting, cleansing, and flushes were actually repairing my scars.

They would really look like they were filling in and healing, and then inevitably, a couple days or weeks later they would be exactly the same again.

It's kind of a cycle for me now. Some days my sunken scars will look like they are almost filled in and then a few days later, they are totally sunken back in again as they were in the first place. I am so used to it now that I know not to get my hopes up when it looks like my scars are filling. I know now that it is only temporary!

I have spent years working on my scars from a holistic nutritional standpoint and my scars are absolutely exactly the same. Actually, they appear to be getting more sunken in all of the time. It is as if the skin continues to atrophy. I look so much older than I am.

I am on the verge of giving up. It is just not in the cards for me to heal my scars. Some people are meant to heal them, others aren't. That must be it because I have tried EVERYTHING and they only worsen.

My scars have RUINED my life, and attempts to remove them have CONSUMED my life and I have gotten NOWHERE.

I am at the point now where I feel nauseated when I look in the mirror!

I just wish I could go to sleep and never wake up.

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