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Re: the Madrid skyscraper fire by #54423 ..... Conspiracy Forum

Date:   2/6/2007 8:23:04 AM ( 18 y ago)
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Obviously you are familiar with "the big picture" of the international banking cartel's new world order war on Americans, and the timeline of events. When the conspirators tried to blow up the Oklahoma City federal building, the fulminate of mercury barrels failed to explode, for some reason. (Had that part of the NWO plan succeeded, there would have been nothing left of the building -- just a giant crater in the ground.) And a helicopter was able to take aerial photos showing that the vertical support columns had been packed with shaped charges. You can see the reinforcing steel rods sticking out of the center of the concrete vertical columns. That was why McVeigh had to be silenced, and used as their patsy. The spin doctors in the so-called "major media" all salivated like Pavlov's dogs, as the banking cartel had trained them to do. Nevertheless, one thorny problem remains for bankerdom. The still existing evidence of the Oklahoma City murder scene has been buried behind a high double barbed wire chain link fence, patrolled by dogs of course. The international bankers do not want anything finding further evidence of their crimes. Bankerdom's real target was our American militia movement, which was forced underground after Oklahoma City. The Rockefeller/Rothschild international bankers did learn one valuable lesson, from Oklahoma City, however. (It was valuable for THEM, nor for us.) They knew they had to destroy the evidence of 9-11 as soon as possible, and they did. Rudolph Giuliani, the mayor of New York City, was their agent. Against all reason and common sense, he destroyed the evidence of the WTC crime by immediately shipping the steel out of our country. We still don't know exactly "why" Giuliani destroyed evidence of an obvious crime, but we do know that his second wife (at that time; he's now on #3) was a non-Christian. Over 200 NYC firemen were in those buildings, when the timed explosions went off. They never would have been there, if they thought the two buidlings were in any danger of collapsing. They were confident that they could get the fires out, right up until the moments of the murders. I will take the testimony of NYC firemen any day, over the obvious NWO MSM spin-doctored lies, and the whitewash Michael Chertoff's cousin got inserted into Popular Mechanics magazine.

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