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meant to mention... by #68716 ..... Narcissism/Sociopathy Survivors Forum

Date:   2/5/2007 9:22:53 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   5,253

...that you can also block his incoming calls at home and at work through the phone company. If you have all of those features (voice mail, call-forwarding, etc), you probably have Call Block, too. USE IT. Even if you have to change your home number to an unlisted one, it is well worth the expense and trouble.

As for your place of employment, allow co-workers to answer calls, and if there is an incoming call for you from a man who isn't your partner, have them ask whom is calling, write down the info (name, date, time), and, if your father continues calling using false names, it is another example of his stalking you and absolutely admissable as evidence for a restraining order, or an Order of Protection.

The covert sexual abuse perpetrated by people like your father is so damaging that it's incalculable. We grow up thinking and believing harmful things about ourselves and, as a child (teenager, or otherwise), we don't know any differently and begin acting those things out. We didn't have the benefit of experience. As adults, we might have the benefit of experience, but we're also drawn into such scenarios as a result of our childhood damage and desire to nurture and heal others.


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