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Re: The Truth About 9/11 Conspiracy Theories by #53899 ..... Conspiracy Forum

Date:   2/4/2007 1:35:29 AM ( 18 y ago)
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In order to understand why Afghanistan was invaded requires an indepth look at Bridas Corporation and their lawsuit with Unocal, which Bridas won by the way. When I first started looking at 9/11 as a government conspiracy, I couldn't reconcile that Afghanistan possessed anything we wanted. But the fact of this matter is, there is the matter of the oil in the Caspian Sea and the now operational oil pipeline in Afghanistan which is being guarded by the U.S. military. Look at where all the bases are in Afghanistan and how they correlate with that shiny new pipeline. The CIA has a long history of drug running and I find it difficult to believe that they didn't have their eyes on the profits from the Afghanistan poppy fields which have reaped bigger harvests each consecutive year since we invaded and have occupied Afghanistan.
The CIA and their involvement in drug running is undeniable and a well documented fact.

In order to understand the strategy for U.S. oil hegemony requires a look at the struggles in the region and who backed who and when. We fought a proxy war with Russia and that is how Bin Laden came to be what he is today. (if he is alive which I seriously doubt at this point) We used Bin Laden, they defeated the Russians and ran them out of the country and we reneged on our end of the deal. He doesn't hate us for our freedoms, he hates us because of our lousy foreign policies in the middle east. And if one is to believe the official story, then one has to have a better excuse than "they hate us for our freedoms", otherwise you are falling into a category of a spoon fed emotionally driven idiot who believes anything the government tells you to believe.

In order to decide which Conspiracy theory to believe requires one to do their own research and to discern between what is plausible and who benefits from said conspiracy. Afghanistan certainly did not benefit from 9/11. There is no doubt about that.

Maybe the mistake the 9/11 truth movement has made is to become bogged down in pseudo
scientific debate and to not stick to the more simple questionable aspects of 9/11, namely: Who made the most money out of this fiasco? Who had the means? Who had the opportunity?

In answering these 3 questions I have posited, I have to lean toward 9/11 having been
government sponsored terrorism. Governments, including the U.S. government have a long history of instilling fear into the public in order to get the citizenry to behave in the manner in which they want them to. If you are not aware of this, then you are in no position to argue for or against any Conspiracy theory regarding the events of 9/11.

9/11 has been invoked at every single turn in order for this government to urge you to give up basic freedoms for their brand of security. The bars that keep people out
can also be used to keep them in. The mere name of "Homeland" Security smacks of a police state run by a totalitarian regime. We are not there yet, but who could deny that we are speeding toward it like the proverbial freight train?

This administration has been caught spying illegally on U.S. citizens, our elections are questionable and there is no doubt we were lied into the war in Iraq and with no small measure being the association of 9/11 and Iraq in the media by this administration even though neither one had any more to do with one another than a donkey and a house cat.

Look at what came before 9/11 and what came after 9/11 and you will clearly see who is at the bottom of it. And they are not done yet.

Anyone who believes we are going to be "saved" by the Democrats is weeweeing in a stiff breeze. They are the extreme left angle of this decades old power grab, put in place to take over where the right left off and to snatch freedoms the same as has been happening all these years. The two parties are nothing more than a tagteam and are there to give you a feeling of having a choice and a sense of being in charge of the country. What a freaking joke all of this is, once you realize it.


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