You bet'cha by jayson ..... Coconut Oil Forum
Date: 1/30/2007 6:18:54 PM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 8,424
Grz, just have to share this with you.
I've been a carbohydrate addict most of my life. It was the way I was raised. I didn't hit a weight problem until I quit smoking - nicotine increases you metabolism. Yeah, I've eaten all the 'wrong' things, but then tried to make up for lost time by going strictly McDougall and becoming very healthy. (That was after a diagnosis of cancer that I've reported on-list somewhere, before.) I didn't really feel any better on McDougall. In fact, I gained weight. I ate this way the most part of a year, then fell off back to not-so-unhealthy, but a mixture of 'good' carbohydrates and meat. Gained more weight, and couldn't get it off - even with jogging. So, eventually, a year ago, was diagnosed as diabetic. My clinic's 'therapy' is 15 carbohydrates per meal for a total of 45 per day. I've also read and try to follow Bernstein who pushes 4 carbohydrates per meal - 12 per day! Of course all of this goes completely against everything that I have ever been taught. But by7 following a high protein/low-carbohydrate diet I managed to lose more than 50 pounds. (I actually started low-carb a few months before I found I was diabetic.) Of course over the past holidays I had all sorts of family gatherings with loads of carbos and drinks, and this got me off course at home too. So, I gained 15 and am now on track to get back to where I was at so have bought a book or two for inspiration.
So here's where I'm headed, I got "How I Gave Up My Low-Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds" and began reading it today. Here's a few lines from the first chapter:
"....I found many old nutrition texts advocating low carb. For instance, Calories Don't Count, by Dr. Herman Taller, was fascinating. It was published in 1962. Dr. Taller got interested in low carb when one of his colleagues at the hospital suggested he try drinking polyunsaturated oil to lower his cholesterol. He started dutifully gulping six ounces of vegetable oil a day. Not only did his cholesterol drop - so did his weight! And he'd added an extra 1,600 calories a day of pure fat! Where does that fit into a low-fat diet?"
Can you imagine not altering your diet, and adding 1,600 calories of polyunsaturated fat to you diet, and losing weight?
I think that those who have no weight or physical problems can continue on their own individual way. But I am convinced that there are many of us who are carbohydrate intolerant and we are better off without carbohydrates. Besides losing weight, my blood work has improved dramatically since going low-carb. I don't particularly limit fats, but do try to get olive oil and other vegetable oils into my diet. Last check, my cholesterol level was 179.
Chew and spit, and every once in a while just take a slug straight!
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