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Re: Question about MSM and ALA,Essiac Tea and Pau D’arco and other supplement dosage by luise ..... Cancer Forum

Date:   1/29/2007 5:39:21 AM ( 18 y ago)
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Thank you Jayson for your kind message. I am glad to hear that you succeeded to beat the cancer - it is always nice to hear good news.

I will try to start with a more moderate dose. My initial treatment list was based on my Internet research and the consulting report I have purchased recently. At the moment, all the supplement I am giving to my mum are based on doses intended for a healthy person and I felt that I have to use more aggressive approach as I haven’t seen any changes. The metastasis on the brain are causing major problems in terms of walking, communicating, and tiredness.

If you have any other tips, please let me know. And if I can be of any help, please let me know, although I am just beginner, trying to learn quickly in this devastating situation.

Kind Regards,


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