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Post cleanse by monique_1 ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   1/27/2007 11:39:20 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   2,098

Hi Humaworm!

The first days after the cleanse I felt really good. But as time goes one I start to feel some really wierd things. I used to get itching in the "butt" at nights some times, and now I get "bitings", like somebody would have pinched me with a needle. I feel this also thruout the day. The thing is that I have done many enemas and fibershakes and Humaworm and never been able to get the icthers/biters out.
And I also have the muscle spasming/twicthing, very frequently thruout the day. When I took Humaworm I had lot's of this, but by the end very very little. And now very much.
I think that the parasites have escaped to the outer muscle layer or something.
If I would have taken a stronger dose or a little longer I would have wiped them out, now something was left behind and re-hatched.

Gosh, how will it be in a week, a month? :( There will be zoo in there with furious critters.


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