Question about tea... by cinnamoncandy ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan
Date: 1/27/2007 11:09:01 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits: 1,068
Hey all!
I have only been raw for about 6 weeks, but I LOVE IT and plan on being raw forever...I just had a question. I get harrassed at work regarding protein intake, B12, you know...the regular harrassing questions that I hate answering time and time again. But the other day I was making tea, and one co-worker joked and said, "wow...I thought you didn't heat anything! Well, guess I was wrong!" Then I thought about it...Is tea raw? Anything over 48 degrees is killing anything in the tea...I am just curious, should I continue to drink it? Or is there a way I still can?
Peace and Light,
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