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Re: BREAST CANCER, PLEASE HELP: diet, cleanses, supplements, over-all plan by Pegasus Healer ..... Breast Cancer Forum

Date:   4/20/2004 3:58:54 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   13,281

Hi Janet and Bill,

After many years of running a busy practice as a spiritual healer, teacher and life coach, I found myself in early 1998, with a diagnosis of invasive ductile carcinoma, stage 111, which had metastasized, and a prognosis of less than a year to live without conventional medicine.
So dear friends, I recognize the panic, and the desire to do everything possible.
My first step was to find a way to calm down, and not let everyone else’s panic pass on to me. So stillness, and whatever way works for you Janet, to bring some calmness to this stressful news, is the first step. Sounds like Bill is doing a great job of supporting you, so that is a joy in itself.
I was from England, living for many years now abroad. Have completed a book about my journey, which is to inspire and empower those facing challenges in life, not only but also, including cancer. An American icon has written the forward to the book, and also a scientist who writes for a prestigious medical magazine the preface. Unfortunately I can’t pass the book on at present, because it’s sitting with the publishers and I have to wait for them now. But, if you would like to have a private consultation over the phone I am open to that, if you sense it would help you. I would phone you, and in turn give you my phone number so that you can phone me back. I cannot give my number over the net, since I am inundated as it is, and also wish to retain some level of privacy. It seems that the numbers of those diagnosed with cancer are growing rapidly.
When I was given the diagnosis and prognosis, that I had a year to live with metastases breast cancer, I was offered surgery, bone marrow transfer, high dose chemotherapy and radiation. After consideration, I opted for a lumpectomy, and the rest was the alternative path that I put together for myself during the following 2 years, which included not only relating to my physical body but also mind and spirit. I did not take the chemical route at all. My view is a holistic one. Today, 6 years later I continue to be completely cancer free according to the conventional tests that I do periodically. So, yes I can personally say, it is possible to heal yourself from cancer. Takes lots of focus and willingness to be totally honest with yourself. Too long to put here, and varies for each individual. Out of my own sense of responsibility, I could not say that one kind of therapy covers everyone. But I do have the guidelines that I used for myself, and the methods that I put together, and it has worked for me. I cannot claim to be a doctor or scientist, but I have healed myself personally from cancer.
There is a lot of information out there, but please remember to go only, with that which resonates with you. This is a giant wake up call, and only you can decide if you’re willing to do the work it takes. Whatever methods you choose, if it be alternative, complimentary or conventional with chemotherapy, surgery or radiation, my suggestion is to go with your chosen methods 100%, with total focus and commitment. This is not the time to be holding the banner of either conventional or alternative, but to go with whatever you feel you can do with your hand on your heart, and all the way. This is about your life, and not about being righteous.
My own experience is, that there are great gifts to receive through the path, I found a treasure chest. Yes, a challenge, but today my life is richer and deeper, and I am alive and healthy living a vibrant life.
Many blessings to you both, with much love and light


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