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Herbology lesson four The Therapeutic Action of Herbs by dennishardyND ..... Ask Dennis Hardy ND

Date:   1/10/2007 3:32:20 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   6,053

Lesson Four
The Therapeutic Action of Herbs
One of the first things necessary to learn when you set out to study botanical medicine, or HERBOLOGY is, how herbs act on the body to bring about the restoration of health in so many different dis-eases and conditions. From clinical experience extending over thousands of years, herbs have been classified therapeutically.
It is advisable to study and memorize the meanings of the terms in this list of therapeutic properties of herbs so that you can instantly understand what is meant when it is said that a certain herb is alliterative, tonic, antiseptic or vulnerary.
Some herbs have so many and varied properties that they cannot be classified fully under one heading, for instance, Elder is alliterative, laxative, and diaphoretic. Peppermint is antispasmodic, and carminative.

1. Alterative: Herbs used to alter the existing nutritive and excretory process and gradually restore normal body function. They are used for treating toxicity of the blood, infections, arthritis, cancer, and skin eruptions. Alternatives help the body to assimilate nutrients and eliminate waste products of metabolism. Alternatives are called the blood cleaners.
Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense)
Part used: the blossoms
Therapeutic action: Alliterative, Antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-tumor.
Red Clover is the best blood cleaning herb, and one that is truly a anti-cancer herb. Other uses of Red Clover include bronchitis, skin dis-eases, fevers, colds and coughs.

Burdock (Arctium Lappa)
Parts used: root, seeds, and leaves.
Therapeutic action: Alliterative, Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Tonic.
Burdock is used for: blood purification, skin dis-eases, urinary problems, gout, arthritis, eczema, and rheumatism.

Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus)
Part used: Root
Therapeutic Action: Alliterative, Blood tonic, Cholagogue.
Yellow Dock is used for: anemia, liver congestion, skin dis-eases, and rheumatism.

Plantain (Plantago Major)
Part used: Leaves
Therapeutic action: Alliterative, anti-inflammatory, aperient, diuretic.
Plantain is used for: blood poising, stings, bites, urinary tract infection, and hepatitis.

Chaparral (Larrea Divaricata)
Parts used: Leaves and Stems
Therapeutic action: Alliterative, antibiotic, parasiticide, expectorant, antitumor, diuretic
Chaparral is one of the best herbal anti-microbial and is used for: arthritis, blood purifier, cancer, leukemia, and tumors.

Purple Cone Flower (Echinacea Augustifolia)
Part used: Root
Therapeutic action: Alliterative, anti-microbial.
Purple Cone Flower is used for: blood builder, blood diseases, blood poisoning, blood purifier, boils, lymph glands, and prostate.

2. Anthelmintics: Herbs used to expel or destroy worms.
Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)
Parts used: all above ground parts.
Therapeutic action: Anthelmintic, cholagogue, stomachic, anti-inflammatory.
Wormwood is used for: worms, parasites, fevers, gastritis, constipation, and liver problems.

Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra)
Part used: Hulls
Therapeutic action: Anthelmintic, anti-fungal, alliterative.
Black Walnut is used for: parasites, worms, ringworm, skin rashes, and tumors.

3. Antilithics: Herbs that are used to desolve and expel stones (kidney and gallbladder).
Hydrangea (Hydrangea Arborescens)
Parts used: leaves and root
Therapeutic action: Antilithic, diuretic, tonic, diaphoretic, cathartic
Hydrangea is used for: Arthritis, bladder infections, gallstones, gout, kidney stones, rheumatism, urinary problems, and gonorrhea.

Queen of the Meadow (Eupatorium Purpureum)
Part used: Leaves
Therapeutic action: Antilithic, diuretic, anodyne
Queen of the Meadow is used for: Bursitis, dropsy, gallstones, kidney infections, kidney stones, neuralgia, rheumatism, ringworm, urinary problems, and water retention.

4. Anti-Spasmodics: Herbs used for the relief of nervous irritability and spasms.
Lobelia (Lobelia Infata)
Parts used: leaves and seeds
Therapeutic action: Anti-spasmodic, expectorant, stimulant, emetic
Lobelia is used for: arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, congestion, convulsions, cough, croup, earache, ear infections, epilepsy, fevers, food poisoning, lock jaw, lung problems, miscarriage, nervousness, pain, pneumonia, spasms, whooping cough, worms.

Scullcap (Scutellaria Lateriflora)
Parts used: all above ground parts
Therapeutic action: Anti-spasmodic, sedative, nervine
Scullcap is used for: convulsions, epilepsy, fevers, high blood pressure, infertility, insomnia, nerves, and restlessness

Cramp Bark (Viburnum Opulus)
Parts used: bark and berries
Therapeutic action: Anti-spasmodic, sedative, nervine, astringent
Cramp Bark is used for: asthma, convulsions, cramps, heart palpitation, hypertension, hysteria, leg cramps, nervousness, spasms, and urinary problems.

5. Astringents: 1.Herbs that contract tissue that is relaxed or weak. 2. Herbs that stop hemorrhage.
White Oak (Quercus Alba)
Part used: the inner bark
Therapeutic action: Astringent, antiseptic, hemostatic
White Oak is used for: Bleeding (internal and external), bloody urine, hemorrhoids, pyorrhea, menstrual problems, diarrhea, skin irritations, teeth, strep throat, ulcers, varicose veins, and pin worms.

Cranesbill (Geranium Maculatum)
Part used: the root
therapeutic action: Astringent, hemostatic, styptic, vulnerary
Cranesbill is used for: diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, bleeding (internal and external), vaginal discharge, and to promote the healing of burns and torn flesh.

Bayberry (Myrica Cerifera)
Part used: the bark
Therapeutic action: Astringent, stimulant, expectorant, diaphoretic
Bayberry is used for: cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, glands, goiter, indigestion, jaundice, excessive menstrual bleeding, scrofula (a form of tuberculosis), and uterine hemorrhage.

Red Raspberry (Rubus Idaeus)
Part used: the leaves
Therapeutic action: astringent, hemostatic, alliterative, parturient
Red Raspberry is used for: after pains of child birth, bowel problems, childbirth, diarrhea, female organs, fevers, flu, morning sickness, mouth sores, nausea, pregnancy, and vomiting.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: astringent, alliterative, anti-inflammatory, bitter tonic, aperient, hemostatic
Goldenseal is used for: antibiotic, antiseptic, internal bleeding, colon inflammation, eye infection, internal hemorrhaging, infection, liver problems, excessive menstruation, mouth sores, and vaginitis

6. Carminatives: Herbs that contain a volatile oil that excites intestinal peristalsis, and relives and promotes the expulsion of flatus or gas from the gastro intestinal tract.
Catnip (Nepeta Cataria)
Part used: the leaves
Therapeutic action: carminative, diaphoretic, sedative, nervine
Catnip is used for: colds, colic, convulsions, diarrhea, digestion, fevers, flu, gas, nerves

Fennel (Foenicclum Valgare)
Part used: the seeds
Therapeutic action: carminative, stimulant, stomachic, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic
Fennel is used for: colic, gas, intestinal problems, sedative for children

Peppermint (Mentha Piperita)
Part used: the leaves
Therapeutic action: carminative, cholagogue, tonic, stimulant
Pepperment is used for: appetite, colds, colic, digestion, fever, gas, headaches, heartburn, shock, menstruation pain

7. Cathartics: Herbs that are active purgatives to the intestinal tract, exciting peristalsis, and stimulating glandular secretions, producing semi-fluid bowel movements with some irritation and griping. The three cathartics listed here are listed in order of strength. Prolonged use of cathartics dose not cause dependency on them, it will normalize the intestinal function (restore peristaltic action), and tone the intestinal wall.
Rhubarb (Rheum Palmatum) strength: gentle (aperient)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: cathartic, alterative, antibiotic, anthelmintic, vulnerary
Rhubarb is used for: colon, diarrhea, constipation, liver problems

Cascara Sagrada (Rhamnus Purshiana) strength: strong (laxative) twice as strong as rhubarb.
Part used: the bark, that has been dried and aged for at least one year.
Therapeutic action: Cathartic, bitter, nervine
Cascara Sagrada is used for: colon, constipation, gall bladder, intestines, liver disorders

Senna (Cassia Senna) Strength: very strong (purgative) twice as strong as cascara sagrada.
Part used: the leaves and seed pods
Therapeutic action: cathartic, anthelmintic
Senna is used for: constipation, jaundice, worms

8. Stimulant: Herbs that increase functional activity, and energy in the body
Cayenne (Capsicum Frutescens)
Part used: the fruit
Therapeutic action: stimulant, cardiactic, vulnerary, astringent, diaphoretic
Cayenne is used for: arthritis, bleeding, blood pressure equalizer, circulation, diabetes, heart, high blood pressure, kidney problems

Brigham Tea (Ephedra Sinica)
Part used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, astringent
Brigham Tea is used for: blood purifier, bronchitis, bursitis, asthma, headaches, kidneys venereal disease

9. Emmenagogue: Herbs that are female corrective to the reproductive organs, which stimulate and promote a normal menstrual function, and flow and discharge.
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: emmenagogue, antispasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic, alterative
Black Cohosh is used for: Asthma, chronic bronchitis, epilepsy, high blood pressure, hormone balance, lungs, menopause, menstrual problems, st, Vitus dance, tuberculosis, whooping cough

Squawvine (Mitchella Repens)
Part used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: emmenagogue, parturient, alterative, galactagogue, vulnerary
Sguawvine is used for: easier childbirth, eye sores, lactation, menstruation, skin problems, uterine disorders.

10. Adaptagenic: Herbs that help the body and mind adapt to emotional, physical, and environmental stress.
Ginseng (Panax Quinquefolium)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: adaptagenic, alterative, stimulant, cardiactic, tonic
Ginseng is used for: blood pressure normalizer, depression, endurance, hemorrhage, longevity, physical vigor, sexual stimulant, stress

Suma (Pfaffia Paniculata)
Parts used: the bark and the root
Therapeutic action: adaptagenic, tonic, demulcent, alterative
Suma is used for: circulation problems, cholesterol, chronic diseases, hormone regulator, immune system, stress, tonic

11. Analgesics: Herbs that relive pain
Feverfew (Chrysanthemum Parthenium)
Parts used: the leaves and flowers
Therapeutic action: analgesic, alterative
Feverfew is used for: chills, colds, headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, pain

Willow (Salix Alba)
Part used: the bark
Therapeutic action: analgesic, alterative, febirfuge, astringent, vulneray
Willow is used for: eczema, fever, headache, nervousness, pain, rheumatism, ulceration, wounds

12. Expectorants: Herbs that promote and facilitate discharges of mucus secretions from the bronchio-pulmonary passages.
Horehound (Marrubium Vulgare)
Part used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: expectorant, demulcent, alterative
Horehound is used for: asthma, colds, coughs, croup, hoarseness, hysteria, lungs, phlegm, stomach tonic, respiratory organs

Pleurisy Root (Asclepias Tuberosa)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: expectorant, diaphoretic, carminative, diuretic, cardiac tonic
Pleurisy Root is used for: asthma, bronchitis, dysentery, emphysema, fevers, lung problems, pleurisy, pneumonia

White Pine (Pinus Alba)
Part used: the bark
Therapeutic action: expectorant, alterative
White Pine is used for: bronchitis, catarrh, dysentery, laryngitis, mucus

13. Hepatics: Herbs used to strengthen, tone and stimulate the secretive functions, of the liver, causing an increased flow of the bile.
Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris)
Parts used: the bark
Therapeutic action: Hepatic, cholagogue, alterative, anti-inflammatory
Barberry is used for: blood purifier, diarrhea, indigestion, liver problems, sore throat

Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale)
Parts used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: hepatic, cholagogue, alterative, diuretic, stomachic, aperient. tonic
Dandelion is used for: anemia, blisters (external), blood pressure, blood purifier, endurance, gall bladder, liver problems

Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianim)
Part used: the seeds
Therapeutic action: hepatic, bitter tonic, demulcent, antidepressant
Milk Thistle is used for: liver damage, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis

14. Diaphoretics: Herbs that produce insensible preparation and increased elimination through the skin.
Boneset (Eupatorium Perfoliatum)
Parts used: all above ground parts
Therapeutic action: diaphoretic, febrifuge, expectorant, laxative
Boneset is used for: chills, colds, fever prevention, all kinds of fevers, flu, typhoid fever, yellow fever

Elder (Sambucus Nigra)
Parts used: the flowers and berries
Therapeutic action: diaphoretic, expectorant, alterative, stimulant
Elder is used for: Allergies, asthma, bronchitis, colds, fevers, flu, hay fever, pneumonia, sinus congestion

Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium)
Part used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, carminative, hemostatic, astringent, antispasmodic, stomachic
Yarrow is used for: blood cleanser, bowel hemorrhage, catarrh, fevers, flu, lung hemorrhage, measles, nose bleeds, obstructed perspiration

15. Diuretics: Herbs that increase the secretion and flow of urine.
Cornstalk (Stigmata Maidis)
Part used: the silk
Therapeutic action: diuretic, antilithic (lithotriptic), demulcent, cholagogue
Corn silk is used for: bladder problems, heart trouble, kidney problems

Juniper (Juniperus Communis)
Part used: the berries
Therapeutic action: diuretic, carminative, antiseptic, stimulant
Juniper is used for: bleeding, colds, dropsy, infections, kidney infections, pancreas, uric acid build up, urinary disorders, water retention

Parsley (Petroselinum Sativum)
Part used; the whole herb, but the root is best
Therapeutic action: diuretic, carminative, aperient, antispasmodic, antiseptic, expectorant, antirheumatic, sedative
Parsley is used for: bladder infections, blood builder, blood cleaner, dropsy, gallstones, jaundice, kidney inflammation, urine retention

16. Demulcents: Herbs having mucilaginous properties that are soothing and protective internally to irritated and inflamed surfaces and tissues.
Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: demulcent, emollient, nutrient, vulnerary, laxative, diuretic
Marshmallow is used for: asthma, urinary bleeding, boils, bronchial infections, emphysema, kidneys, lung congestion, whooping cough, infected wounds

Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus)
Parts used: the leaves, flowers, and the root
Therapeutic action: demulcent, expectorant, antispasmodic, antitussive, astringent, anodyne, vulnerary
Mullein is used for: asthma, bleeding of the bowel and lungs, bronchitis, coughs, croup, diarrhea, dysentery, ear aches (oil), insomnia, lymphatic system, nervousness, pain, pleurisy, sinus congestion, tuberculosis

Slippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)
Part used: the inner bark
Therapeutic action: demulcent, tonic, nutritive, emollient, vulnerary
Slippery Elm is used for: asthma, bronchitis, burns, colitis, colon, coughs, diaper rash, diarrhea, digestion, lung problems

17. Vulneray: Herbs that promote healing of fresh cuts, wounds, and burns
Comfrey (Symphytum Officinale)
Parts used: the leaves and roots
Therapeutic action: vulnerary, tonic, demulcent, expectorant, astringent
Comfrey is used for: anemia, arthritis, blood cleaner, boils, bruises, burns, emphysema, fractures, lungs, sores, sprains, swelling, wounds, cuts

Marigold (Calendula Officinalis)
Part used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: vulnerary, astringent
Marigold is used for: bruises, cuts, eye infections, skin diseases, toothaches

St. Johnswort (Hypericum Perforatum)
Part used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: vulnerary, sedative, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, anodyne
St. Johnswort is used for: after pains, bed wetting, bronchitis, lung congestion, painful menstruation, suppressed urine, uterine dysfunction

18. Cardiactics: Herbs that are specific to the healing of the hart.
Hawthorn (Crategunus Oxyacantha)
Part used: the berries
Therapeutic action: cardiactic
Hawthorn is used for: antiseptic, arteriosclerosis, cardiac symptoms, enlarged heart, hardening of the arteries, heart condition, heart palpitation, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, low blood pressure

Devils Claw (Harpagophytum Procumbens)
Parts used: the root
Therapeutic action: cardiactic, alterative, stomhtic
Devils Claw is used for: arteriosclerosis, arthritis, bladder tonic, kidney tonic, blood purifier, high cholesterol, diabetes, liver diseases, rheumatism, stomach problems

Butcher's Broom (Ruscus Aculeatus)
Part used: the whole herb
therapeutic action: cardiactic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, aperient
Butcher's Broom is used for: arteriosclerosis, hemorrhoids, thrombosis, vericose veins

19. Nervines: Herbs that are tonic and healing to the nerves
Hops (Humulus Lupulus)
Part used: the flower
Therapeutic action: nervine, stomchtic, sedative, analgesic
Hops is used for: appetite stimulant, delirium, digestion, headaches, hyperactivity, insomnia, nervousness, pain

Lady's Slipper (Crpripedium Calceoulus)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: nervine, sedative, antispasmodic
Lady's Slipper is used for: hysteria, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness

Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis)
Part used: the root
Therapeutic action: nervine, sedative, hypnotic
Valerian is used for: hysteria, nervousness

20. Nephritic: Herbs that influence the kidneys and are healing in kidney complaints
Bearberry (Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi)
Part used: the leaves
Therapeutic action: nephritic, diuretic, urinary antiseptic, astringent
Bearberry is used for: bladder infections, bright's disease, cystitis, diabetes, gonorrhea, kidney infections, nephritis

Buchu (Barosma Betulina)
Part used: the leaves
Therapeutic action: nephritic, diuretic, stimulant, aromatic, carminative, diaphoretic
Buchu is used for: bladder catarrh, kidney problems, nephritis, prostate problems, Urethritis

21. Tonic: Herbs that stimulate and permanently increase tone
Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa)
Parts used: all the above ground parts
Therapeutic action: tonic, alterative, diuretic
Alfalfa is used for: appetite stimulant, arthritis, blood purifier, diabetes, fatigue (both mental and physical), hemorrhages, kidney cleaner, pituitary problems, peptic ulcers

Gotu Kola (Hydrocotyle Asiatica)
Part used: the whole herb
Therapeutic action: tonic
Gotu Kola is used for: fatigue, high blood pressure, mental fatigue, nervous breakdown, physical fatigue, senility

The Development of Herbal Reasoning in the making of Herbal Formulas

Herbal Reasoning is taking into consideration the sick person as a whole and not just looking at the name of a disease or a symptom when preparing a herbal formula for him.

Making a herbal formula for a sick person is more then using a few herbs that are known to help a particular problem or a named disease. Any disease is a set of imbalances that all contribute to that disease or health problem.
When putting together an herbal formula every factor of the disease must be addressed. This includes the direct dysfunction and also the dysfunctions that the disease has caused and the dysfunctions that have caused the disease. Disease can be caused by a poor diet that leaves your body weakened and predisposed to disease or health problem. It can be caused by poor circulation, or exposure to extreme, rapid temperature change, or a stressful event in your life.
A small problem may lead to larger health problems by draining your strength so you can not fight off a major disease.
The example below will illustrate the proper methodology used to put together an herbal formula that not only addresses the major complaint but also addresses all the contributing factors that helped caused the disease and the complaints that the disease has caused.
Lets take a look at Diabetes: Diabetes is a syndrome characterized by abnormal insulin secretion, inappropriately elevated blood glucose levels, and a verity of end organ complications including nephropathy (kidney damage), retinopathy (eye damage), neuropathy (nerve damage), and accelerated arteriosclerosis (clogged arteries). As you can see we must use herbs to normalize insulin and also use herbs to prevent or repair other damage that diabetes can cause. The first herb we will use is Juniper berry. Juniper berry contains a natural insulin, so it will take the load off the already weakened Pancreas. It is also a good kidney herb. The next herb we will use is Ceder berry. Ceder berry is a specific for rebuilding pancreas. The next herb is Butcher's broom. Butcher's broom cleans the arteries and improves circulation. Eyebright is a herb that will heal the eye. It must be included in the formula. Any time there is a lack of circulation, there is an increased chance of infection, so we will add Golden Seal to the formula. This herbal formula is a complete formula for diabetes and the health problems caused by it.
Some diet changes should be followed (poor diet is a major cause of diabetes). If you have diabetes, you must stop drinking milk, you must stop eating white flour, you must eat wholesome, pure foods (several small meals a day is best), some raw leafy green vegetables must be eaten everyday. Exercise is a must to help you increase circulation and improve metabolism.
When putting together an herbal formula for a sick person (no mater what the sickness is) you should follow the same method of reasoning (herbal reasoning) as in the above example, take the whole person into the formula, look into the nature of the illness. Treat the whole person not just the disease. Then teach the person that was sick, a healthy way to live, eat and think so they will stay well.

Questions For lesson four

1. Name two Alterative Herbs and their application.
2. Name two Anti-Spasmodic Herbs and their application.
3. Name two Astringent Herbs and their application.
4. Name two Expectorant Herbs and their application.
5. Name two Demulcent Herbs and their application.
6. Name two Stimulant Herbs and their application.
7. Name two Diuretic Herbs and their application.
8. Name two Carminative Herbs and their application.
9. Name two Tonic Herbs and their application.
10. Name two Nephritic Herbs and their application.
For questions 11 through 20 give the name of the herb and its therapeutic action classification.
11. What herb would you use to clean the blood?
12. What herb would you use to clean the blood?
13. What herb would you use to treat constipation?
14. What herb would be good for kidney stones and gall stones?
15. What herb will stop bleeding?
16. What herb is good for high blood pressure?
17. What herb will help arthritis?
18. What herb is good to regain strength after an illness.
19. What herb is good for eczema?
20. What herb will aid cataracts?


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