Re: More questions for you Ozoneman. by dbb ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum
Date: 12/21/2006 11:19:36 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 3,311
Thanks for your answers. My friend uses "respiratory support" in an ultrasonic nebulizer - it is molecula silver and a small amount of food grade hydrogen peroxide. This is used for respiratory candida and phelgm is produces. I think the silver does not do much of anything and are kinda quacky. What would you think about making my own respiratory support - in a 16 oz bottle one would add how much (drops?) food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide to distilled water. Also, when I open regular 3% hydrogen peroxide it seems stronger at first than after it is open awhile - a little like soft drink gets flat. Does food grade hydrogen peroxide loose strength - shelf life and so on?
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