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Re: "the diet" by betta ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   12/17/2006 7:28:51 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,221

I have been in the same boat, but for a much longer time. I've been fighting candida for 25 years now. I actually have the first edition of The Body Ecology Diet. The longest I could ever stay on that diet was 2 months, and then I ended up weighing 95 pounds. When I ran into an old friend she almost started to cry because she thought I was dying of cancer or something. Not long after that my husband took out life insurance on me. Also, the head pastor at our church offered to send me to the Mayo Clinic. I feel like I've tried every diet and most supplements. Then last spring someone told me about the KI Method, which is a simple way of increasing your body's own electrical current. You place each of your hands on a designated spot and it helps your body start to move energy along your meridians.(Like accupuncture.) The first time I tried it I knew that everything I had been trying to do with diet and supplements was very weak in comparison. Later I found out that the bottom line to getting over candida is that you have to raise your body's own energy in all of your organs and glands and then your body will do what it was created to do. Your organs and glands will make you digest your food better and your blood and lymph will clear out. If you want to try one of the sequences, the site for King Institute has several samples online. You click on Future Medicine on the home page, and then on the right hand side you will see three sequences. The one that is the best to try first is called the Median Sequence and is a general one for the entire body. After doing it one or two days it may bring to light which organ is the one to start working on first. At that point, though, you may need to order the manual. The manual is only $40 dollars and provides enough sequences to keep you learning and helping yourself for the rest of your life. When I first heard about it I didn't even want to order the book because I was so tired that I didn't think I would be able to do it, but someone at their site told me about the one online and I tried that one and found that it's easy and you do it while lying in bed.

Two months ago my friend that has tried and returned more supplements than me found a product that works on the same lines. It improves your body's electrical system, but it also gets toxins out that block energy flow. I listened to her talk about it for 2 months to see if it worked for her, and when she started to say that she was feeling better and loosing weight without trying to, I started to look at it online. The website is and the products are so easy to use and work much more quickly than the KI Method. You simply add some Energy Vitality Balance to your drinking water, soak for a half hour in the body soak every other night or so, and take the drops in water that correspond to your body soak. You don't have to go through as much uncomfortableness as when using the KI Method because the soaks get the toxins out and the stuff that you drink supports your body and also provides energy while you're doing it. They have a program specifically for candida. It's not the typical way of dealing with candida where you try to kill the candida, starve the candida(and yourself in the meantime), or "replace" the friendly bacteria. You simply get your body to the place where it starts to work like it was created to work by removing toxins and increasing energy flow to organs and glands. It's such a simple idea. And you aren't putting any toxins in to do it. Anything that you take that puts toxins in to try to improve a symptoms is in the end going to cause more problems. It causes a backlash and usually after you're done taking it the symptoms are worse than before.

If you do look at the website, and like me, the products look too expensive, if you pay $40 you well get a 40% discount on whatever you buy. They usually run some specials, too. Also, this is not something that you will have to take for the rest of your life. You get your body up and running and then you can just use maybe the Energy Vitality Balance.

I hope this helps, and don't give up. Well, usually you actually can't give up because your body won't let you. At least that's what I've found.


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