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Yuen Method *edited (tidied up) by chirontherainbowbridge ..... Qigong / Chi Kung / Ki Gong Support Forum

Date:   12/6/2006 11:45:09 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   27,658

re: "slapping and pulling" lol That is so, so ... bad . Seriously though, I wonder if the two at once might not be too much going on?

On a related note, let's have a thread full of glorious Rs!  Here is something I've been looking at for about a year--and contacted the woman to see if she'd be coming this turns out she is going to be in Canada in 2007 but you might be surprised to know Calgary is a long way from Toronto (or Montreal). I'm still envisioning maybe arranging something that will enable me to train with her and possibly 'host' the event. ...The method looks very good...anyone have experience or knowledge of it to share?

Here's the master, and her teacher

and here's her site


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