Re: Decreasing Armour + Homeopath by moreless ..... Hypothyroid & Wilson’s Disease
Date: 11/21/2006 10:56:29 AM ( 19 y ago)
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Hi roller girl,
Maybe you would be interested in this info ?
This is a Testimonial from the site , which is linked to the ask moreless pH Balancing forum !
Getting off Meds! (Armour thyroid and Hormone Drops) by #56617 (some will choose to post anonymously, so a number will be seen, instead of a name)
I was on 4 Armour Thyroid per day plus sublingual bioidentical compounded plant-based hormone drops (Don't remember how many mg of those).
What a drag it was to take that stuff.
I am pretty well-versed in various alternative methods, and had tried other things, but each thing I tried seemed to have its own potential health drawbacks or questionable aspects that left me uneasy or that I felt were a less-than-optimal answer. For myself, I refuse to be dependent upon medical pharmaceuticals, of course that is my personal choice, and may not be appropriate for others.
While still taking the Armour and hormones, I started with the pH strips and informing myself about acid-balancing, and began taking the Moreless BSM Drink with the Kelp (Kelp is a major part of the key. Just choke it down), and after I felt a Thyroid response, I started backing off the Armour, one at a time.
IOW, the first time I felt my Thyroid respond, (And was sure that was what it was, internally-sore throat at the Thyroid with some really heavy, coagulated expectoration), I kept up the Drink and the Kelp and backed off to 3 of the Armour, and observed the difference in my body over the next 3-5 days or so. It seemed OK.
The following week, I dropped to 2 Armour. At first, it seemed as if nothing worsened, for which I was grateful, and then things started to noticeably improve. Once I felt actual improvement having gone to 2 Armour instead of 4, I dropped the last 2 (1 at a time, a week or so apart), and continued with the Drink and the Kelp. Make certain you keep the Kelp up to wherever it has to be for you, increase or decrease it as required.
I had to play the Kelp up and down while I figured things out, when I got to 3 teaspoons per day I felt the first Thyroid response. Don't just slam loads of Kelp into your body if you already have Thyroid issues, ramp it up and give yourself time to sense and observe the differences.
When I got the first Thyroid response from the Drink and the Kelp, that Thyroid got really sore. If I hadn't recognized the sore feeling as the same thing the Armour did when I first started taking it, I might not have known what it was, or might have thought I was doing the wrong thing. Now I know it was perfect, but I did have to let my Faith carry me for a few weeks - Pray, do whatever you have to do.
I backed off the hormones the same way, drop by drop.
The whole process as I recall, took about 2 months.
Unfortunately, I learned right away not to talk about what I was striving to do with my family. Some feathers flew with that :). What can I say, they love me. And I love them :).
Now it is 3 or 4 months later. I am off the Armour, off the Hormones, am about $100. richer every month (How do they think we're going to *pay* for all this???)
I waited until I was off the pharmaceuticals for a couple of months before I told my family. They are thrilled for me, now that it's done :).
Smile Tis your choice.
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