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Re: Questions regarding Ozone! by Cyane ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum

Date:   11/21/2006 1:22:01 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   5,712

Very Informative, still have some questions (Ozone is of great interest to me):

1) So you're saying that a small Ozone Generator that generates 18 to 25mg/h will do the same job as "shocking" the room with a high output model of 200mg/h or higher? Can the small, low output model be left on 24/7 to keep the air clean?

2) Is this "Synergy" Ozone gnerator only sold on e-Bay? I can't seem to find it anywhere. You recommended a unit that is *Dual-dialectric Cold Corona* but I'm a tad concerned about the released 'Metal Ions" into the gas stream. I'm also looking at something fast and convenient, lugging an Oxygen Tank around plus the unit itself sounds like it would be aggravating would it not? Also, keep in mind that I'm still at student level and not particularly rich, so $300 to $600 would be the max range for me, unless there are extremely good units you can recommend. As well, can you recommend any good "Cold Plasma" units? Cold Plasma is very intriging to me.

3) More information regarding the differences and benefits of Air-Fed and Oxygen-Fed units would be very helpful as well.

Thanks in advance for all your help!


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