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Re: Questions regarding Ozone! by Cyane ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum

Date:   11/20/2006 11:40:15 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   5,770

Very informative posts, but I've come up with more questions:

1) I'm interested in buying a small Air Ozonator for my averaged sized bedroom (small). What should I like for in regards to Ozone Output (mg/h <> ppm)? What output would be effective and can you recommend several high quality models?

2) Also interested in buying a good Water/Olive Oil Ozonator, can you recommend several high quality brands? Cold Corona, Cold Plasma? What else should I look for in features and construction of the unit?

3) What are the differences between Medical-Grade and other Ozonators?

Thanks in advance.


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