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My skin issues - please read - Contact Dermatitis, Rosacea, Eczema by Oofda ..... Eczema Forum

Date:   10/14/2005 12:01:40 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   15,754

Ok. Let me start over and explain my situation more. Maybe some of you can help. I apologize if this is long.

In 1999 I was sent over to S. Korea via the Army. Up to this point I had never had any issues with my skin. Except the fact I did not sweat on my face, I would just turn red. Very painful. Anyway, we were doing PT (physical training) outside in the grass. The next day I noticed a bite kind of mark on my right shin. It reminded me of a chigger bite. We flew home on military leave when I noticed the mark on my leg getting bigger. My ex sister-in-law thought it looked like a fungus. Almost like ringworm. I didn't see a doc until I got back to Korea. Things have been horrible since. I developed rashes all over my body, just the front though. Not in the elbow or leg bends. Not on my neck or chest. Just on my arms, legs and face. They looked round and disc like. They could not figure out what it was. They treated me for scabies and various skin disorders. They even sent me to a Korean doctor to see if he could figure it out. Finally they flew me back to the states after a round of steroid shots, pills and creams didn't work. Once I came home they gave me another round of shots. Things finally cleared up. I have not had an outbreak like that since.

Fast forward to today. I have developed rosacea over the past year. My face turns very red on a moments notice. I have stopped eating processed meats because I noticed this was causing some flare-ups. Today I am sitting here with a beet red face and it tight and burns. These "hot flashes" come and go. I am burning up from the neck up but freezing from the neck down. Once I cool off I am so tired. Its like my body is trying so hard to cool me off. Could this be something I should see an endocrinologist for?? My doc has me on Elidel and MetroLotion for this. It stopped working a few months ago. She also has me on an Antibiotic for the inflammation.

I also have what my dermatologist says is dyshidrotic eczema on my left hand. It’s only near 3 fingers. It really flares up the week before my monthly visitor. They are small blister areas under the skin. The liquid is clear. Itches like crazy. My dermatologist has given me a new cream called Vanos for this.

I have been on all kinds of creams since this has started. Elidel, Pro Topic, Topacort, Elecon, …I have a huge list at home. But you know what I am getting at.

I also recently had the T.R.U.E Test – patch test done. I found out that I am allergic to nickel sulfate, cobalt dichloride, quaternium-15 and formaldehyde. Highly allergic to the last two. I have a scratch test schedule with an allergist in Nov.

I am so frustrated. Nothing works. Yea, the creams help for a little bit but eventually stop working. I know I can’t CURE this…. but what can I do so I am not on these creams the rest of my life or living in pain??

Any suggestions would be great.

Sarah (


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