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Angry Cat..could use some help by prettysoulful ..... Animals & Pets Health Support

Date:   6/27/2006 8:30:04 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,014

My boyfriend found and adopted a small stray cat(vet said it was about 6-9 weeks old). He already had a cat that is 1 and 1/2 years old. Both cats are females and the older cat simply despises the baby cat. It is actually quite insane. She is both an indoor and an outdoor cat, with a general preference for the great outdoors. But she comes in to eat, and sleep. Whenever she is in the house she is sooo agressive toward the little cat that it gets very annoying. She groans, hisses, whines, spits, and charges at the little cat the entire time unless we separate them by rooms. It has now been almost 3 weeks, and we are wondering if there is an end in sight.

Can anyone tell me if they have had this experience, and what they did that made a difference. He was not able to acclimate the older cat to the smell of the younger one before bringing her home due to the situation. They have separate feeding bowls, and toys, and the older cat stopped using the litter box as she got more accustomed to the outdoors, so there really isn't much conflict there. But he can't leave them alone unwatched. To make matters worse. The kitten has gotten more comfortable at home, and has begun to try to entice the older cat to play by bouncing around like a bunny and playing hide and seek with the older cat. She is sooo clueless. The whole while the older cat is hissing and snarling, spitting and baring teeth. Even when the older cat eats, she tries to inch closer for a better look. For the first week we tried to put the little cat away so the older cat could eat in peace, but now, we have begun to take the 'they have to work this out' approach. But I personally fear for the little ones' safety as she is quite naive, and rather bold. And the older cat is a hunter cat that may see the little one as prey. Actually she did take that prowling stance once while we were outside one evening with both of them, but I recognized the pose just in time to intervene on a leap.

Anyway, please help, advise, commiserate, anything. Thanks.

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