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Re: PLEASE - Help with 2 year old by zsu ..... Eczema Forum

Date:   8/26/2005 12:26:46 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   3,400

Hi Corinna,

if you don't mind I'll add my own experience and I'll make it short. My son(2 years) also has eczema and the doctors answer was it happens nobody knows why and he gave me a prescription for cortison cream which I never used. When I went to Europe I took him to a homeopathic doctor where I was advised to eliminate dairy products. Within a week I saw the improvement.
He got homeopathic drops to improve his immune system and something to restore his bowl flora too. He is doing fine now. I am very careful and selective about what he eats. I try to buy organic and read every label carefully!!!! So far he doesn't know much about sugar, candies, chocolate. He never had an allergy test, since his doctor doesn't think it's necessery and he thinks my son's skin condition will imporve by itself from doing nothing. I know for a fact, that also his mood improved after this dietary change.

Make dietary changes and you and your son will get the reward!

When shopping this is my rule:
-buy no processed food
-read the label and if it has more than the necessary ingr. don't buy it
-don't buy food that's shelf life is too long (it always have strange additives)
-in season go to farmers market, buy fresh

Wishing you all the best and that your son's condition gets better very soon.



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