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observation by newlypositive ..... AIDS & HIV Forum

Date:   10/15/2006 6:26:07 PM ( 19 y ago)
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I have been HIV positive for about 3.5 years. Some of you might remember me, I used to come to this forum during its more popular days. In those 3.5 years, I have learned a many interesting things about HIV, and the most important issue is that, in this battle that is the HIV epidemic, there are three types of people. The first are the most common, they believe HIV exist, and that there is no cure, they believe HIV came from wild chimps in africa and mutated, They believe that attempts to use alternative therapies are dangerous, and that all HIV infected individuals should line up and submit to instituional protocalls. The second group are the non believers, they persist that HIV doesn't exist and has never existed and is merely an instrument of the medical establishment to controll the minds of the population and instil in them fear. Last are those like myself, those that believe HIV exist, who believe HIV was created by the united states government with the help of the World Health Organization as a means of population control against homosexuals and Blacks, we also reason that just as any biologically engineered virus can be created, so to was a cure, either at the moment of viral inception, or later on by unwitting scienctist.

If you've been dianoised HIV positive, that last thing you want to hear, is someone telling you HIV is a lie, because it challenges you to go against everything you've been taught and that can be very difficult, Likewise you don't want to be told there is no hope or that you can live a normal life with drugs that can be just as dangerous as the disease it self. For me the conclusion was a no-brainer. This is an arduous journey and a long struggle, we'll all be forced to choose sides. Just choose wisely.

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