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Re: Seasoned fasters.... by Somer ..... Fasting: Juice Fasting Support

Date:   10/7/2006 10:34:31 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,660

It sounds as though your digestion is undergoing an overhaul. Long fasting is stressful on the body, including digestion and metabolism. These things take great patience to reestablish! It took me six months to break my 60 day fast!

Shorter fasts are easier on the body, easier to break. I did a series of ten dayers, with ten days cleansing, rebuilding diet between and found it much easier than the 30 and 60 days I had done before (supervised by my excellent naturopath).

Colon cleansing has been my main goal, and I am happy to report I reached my 50th birthday with a clean pink colon last year! I just finished a 10 day master cleanse for my 51st birthday, and am drinking OJ today. Feel wonderful!

You need to have patience with a long break. Eat SLOWLY (chew very well), eat CLEAN (nothing heavy, meaty, greasy, sweet), and eat LIGHT (small portions) until things are right back to normal.

The stress of the fast plus the break is likely causing your energy dip.

The amazing Paavo Airola, in his book How to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young with Juice Fasting, suggests we can fast a day per week, three a month and 1-2 weeks out of every three months. This, of course would be for weight loss/cleansing purposes. For maintenance you might like to do ten days, twice a year as I am doing.

Congratulations on your great work--I so remember that light, clean, clear feeling only a long fast gives you! I feel excellent here at day 11... but it is not the same!


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