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Re: My theory on how oil pulling works by laughingrrrl ..... Oil Pulling & Oil Swishing Forum

Date:   10/5/2006 11:52:56 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   4,165

I was thinking along those exact lines last night. I completely agree - a Liver Flush with a sufficiently large quantity of olive oil would have some detoxifying effect on all the digestive organs in addition to removing gallstones. However doing a Liver Flush on a daily basis isn't practical, in the same way oil pulling is. And yes, it lends support to the use of copious amounts of oil in massage.

My theory also sheds some credibility on the healing properties of castor oil packs, a mechanism for which I previously had no explanation. Nice to know Edgar Cayce was on target. Makes me reconsider his recommendations against root canal therapy. I suppose if I ever become chronically ill again, I'll keep a removal of my one root canal in reserve as potential treatment.

Have a good day.


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