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Re: Happy to announce doc trip success! by shroom ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   10/4/2006 10:21:08 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   6,037

Hi Apxr, Thank-you for your concern. I base this trial on my own emperical data, so it is not exactly scientifically transferable. However, I will be able to record the data this time around. I will start by microscopically recording immune-cell inter-action with protozoa--pre-medication. I will present my hypothesis of changes which I predict will occur. Then I will record inter-action during course of treatment to demonstate the legitimacy of my hypothesis. This is, of course, if I do not adversly react to the drug. This experiment will show how intimatley the CNS is involved in parasitic infections. Shroom

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