Re: Insomnia issues: anyone overcome major longstanding insomnia?(l o n g !) by unyquity ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 10/4/2006 12:47:40 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 4,087
The same knowledge I possess & post is already available on several websites and has been available in books for decades. But it's HERE than people come searching for answers, so this is where I feel my calling to be.
Yes, your discernment is 'right on'; it is VERY frustrating to have spent decades learning the truths of the human body & healing, experienced them yourself, and seen others do the same (my mother-in-law was cured of Stage IV Terminal metastatic liver cancer with the assistance of Dr. Kelley in the late 70's, and she's still alive to share her Light :) ...and to hold them in the palm of your hand, offer them to others that ask you to share them, and have them (basically) slapped out of your hand (most times with an insult or two thrown in for good measure), can be frustrating, indeed.
That my frustration is/was evident is something I've been working on diligently; it was a harsh truth to read that it still shows to you (and others). But, I thank you for giving me that truth, as now I know I need to continue my lesson and can achieve further victory in that regard.
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