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little things by katiechernyak ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   9/24/2006 12:28:09 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,168

Hi everyone!

I went to my doctor last time about 2 months ago for some regular check-ups, and I happened to ask about my "blue" nail and he siad : Do you really need to cure every little thing in your body? It's not life threatenning so forget it and go. Since then I don't go to that doctor anymore, and I don't want to ever see another doctor again.

The thing is, beside having some obvious problems with my health (like very low heart rate and bp, constant dizzinness, fear of fainting/throwing up, panic attacks, hair loss, etc - all of which I contribute to having 8 Amalgams for 4 years), I have a number of little wierd things that noone can really understand, and I often wonder about them.

- on the left foot on my big toe my nail goes blue, half the time. I noticed it happens when I'm not moving much, or cold, or nevious, but not always. And as soon as I go to shower where it's warm it turns pink again. The strange part is that it's only on that ONE toe and only on the left one. I noticed it 1st time when I was 13. Why?

- Very often when I go to sleep, when I'm almost asleep, I start feeling my whole body shaking. It seems very real to me, yet when I ask my husband to touch me, he sais he doesn't feel me shaking, but I AM! I feel it. He told me it must be my nerves or something, that's it's all in my head. I feel it in my legs and stomach and hands, though. Am I crazy?

- I can crack my eyes when they are closed

- I noticed a bump on my lower right rib, that came out of nowhere. I'm not really worried, just wondering what could it be. Does anyone else get wierd bumps out of the blue?

- I'm awfully scared of throwing up. I know, it's natural, blah blah blah. But as soon as I get a little sick I'll have a panic attack, because I'm so scared. I also have this thought that my body is differnt than other people's, like it doesn't work the way it's supposed to, and that's why I'm also scared of getting pragnant, and a lot of other things. I know I'm probably wrong, but then why is my heart rate so slow? Doctors say it's ok, but it's not normal, not like other people. And that makes me dizzy, and that's not normal too, but they don't care.
I want to do Master-Cleanse and liver flushes, but not sure, I'm already spinning, what's going to happen when I don't eat?

I'm just trying to find a way to deal with all this...
Any ideas?

Thanks, Katie.

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