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Re: Best way to cure problems associated with the past? by meire ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   9/15/2006 3:20:32 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   1,696

Hi 21676,

A few ideas that have worked for me:

EFT for a start, can be very helpful, especially used along with other methods. Personally, I have found hypnosis to be fantastic. I'm in the middle of a course of analytical hypnotherapy at the moment, and it's really made a difference. It's like havig therapy under hypnosis, you revisit past memories and traumas, and there and then get to resolve them and have suggestions planted to replace them.

There's also Reiki - a good Reiki practitioner should be able to perform a clearing / tie - cutting healing for you, usually where there are people at the root of the issues. I've done this for myself, cutting ties with a few people, but it's not in a bad way - it has no negative connotations at all. The ties that are cut are unhealthy ties not of Gods' (or whoever you believe in) desire, and what's left are the good bonds, so this can be used for people who are still in your life but may have wronged you in the past for example. A good one for helping to forgive and move on, I find it to be effective.

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