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Re: My Orange Juice + Longevity Spice 4 Life Fast by mh ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   9/13/2006 11:33:39 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,708

I had 6 quarts that I had intended to sell, so far 3 people have begged them from me. I like the idea of the package as desribed on the web page, but naturally when I showed the no crash in a kit before, just about everyone said keep your kit, we only want the no crash bottle. I still have never priced the no crash by its self because it is the most expensive powdered formula I have ever made, the same as the Longevity Spices is the most expensive liquid formula.

I have used 1 quart size this time which is allot, JUMBO SIZED so to say and propably 1 kit holds more herbs than most people have consumed in a lifetime.

Right now I am waiting for it to stop raining and the sun come out so I can take a few pictures and finish up the Longevity Kit and then put a price on it and will even give individual prices, etc. It will be an extremely unique product/method that has no equal in all the world. What I really should do is keep it all and make people come spend 21 days in a cabin and have me make them 1/2 gallon of smoothie per day and tell them if they are still hungry to walk around the gardens and eat what is in season!!!!!! "IF" I was a high profile author, people would flock at such an opportunity, heck Dr. Hulda Clark will ask you $700+ to spend a little time with you and you had better have 30 buddies with you all willing to spend $700 each to share your couple of hours!!!! I have seen people donate their retirement savings to Dr. Hulda Clark in belief that she is CURING CANCER!!!!!!!!!!! It is crazy how a couple of books can cause people to want to travle 1/2 way around the world just to meet an author that may not know anything worth knowing!

I don't expect to sale enough of the no crash to ever cover the past 10 years experimentations in the making of it, it is a pet project that has gotten better and better as time has went on and I believe the smoothie as described on the web page, done correctly, is the closest answer to the problems of living in this world that has ever been formulated. This is not for people who do not want to live. 2 examples of people that don't want to live 1) they do not own and operate a water distiller 2) they have metal in their mouths or on their body. Naturally this is a HUGE list, but 1&2 are preached about so much on this forum that if the person has still ignored this, then they have no reason to waste their time on the use of herbs like no crash. Even Brother Jimmy sports a mouth with mercury in it, he knows better and if he really wanted it out, he would find the $$$ to do so. The same with a water distiller.

All you can do is lead the horse to water, but you can't force them to drink it!


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