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Re: i have to chime in here by #19236 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   9/11/2006 4:15:22 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,239

Hi Trapper, I resorted to medical doses of quinine and praziquantel to kill any damn tapeworm or parasite that tried to live in any part of my body. I got sicker then a dog and had nightmares on short praziquantel and quinine treatment dosage but I got rid of any damanable tapeworm or egg or filarial worm that may ever have tried to infect me.
I put our only housepet and my partner on same deparasite treatment, natural and under medical and vet supervision. The pframie anti parasite drugs are made from tree bark and a synthetic and WORK with minimal side effect as they leave the liver and system quickly after killing filarial /malaria and tapeworms eggs and larvae.
So now I am on a life diet of natural antiparasite foods, herbs and spices and I keep the cat on vet dewormer and will use the better antiparasite drugs prazi and quinine if parasites ever try to re enter my system.
I am 1000% calmer after all the cleansing diet, spices, herbs, in combination with a good medical alternative. Not all medicine is bad, asparin is made from willow bark and qunine worm killer is made from chinchona tree bark in rainforests, a reason to save the rainforest plants.
I advice every one to deworm naturally, eat right, live clean and use medical or vet medicine to kill the really deadly parasites that afflict all humans, housepets, animals and environments. Medical medicines are okay if you study and KNOW what your taking and KNOW the effects, actions, side effects, indications, contraindication and how long it takes the body to eliminate the substance, 48 hours is usually a fast release of an antiparasite medicine.
Best Wishes

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