Re: The Question of Homosexuality and Religion by Blue Stone ..... Gay/Lesbian Support Forum
Date: 5/6/2005 6:00:11 PM ( 20 y ago)
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"The reason most people hate the Bible, and don't like to read to read it is because it's a mirror of who they really are, and they don't want to be reminded by seeing the truth"
Did you sacrafice a goat or whip a slave today? That's a pretty old and tarnished mirror. You are basing your entire belief system on a book which is dogmatic religion...not spirituality. Big difference. People drink koolaide to their death for religious beliefs. People love their neighbors out of spirituality...gays included :-)
Thinly veiled hate is still hate no matter how it is dressed up. I think you know that too by how you hop between your regular name and your number. When a certain group burned crosses on peoples lawns they too hid under a cloak.
"If we all only kept the two laws that Jesus gave, our world would be a lot closer to heaven........ It's our choice."
Was there anything even close to gay bashing in his views?
BTW a more apt discription of mirroring (since you brought it up) is when you look at a neutral situation but find something else in it which mirrors back your biases. An example of this is when people look at scripture and use it to condemn others with. ANother person will use that same scripture to love others with. The only difference being the person..not the scripture.
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