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Re: confused by thomas ..... Gay/Lesbian Support Forum

Date:   4/21/2005 10:11:58 AM ( 20 y ago)
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Dawnalynne- Thank you for your message. You have asked several important questions that I am more than happy to address. Hopefully my answers can shed more light on what I had envisioned for this forum and why I asked for it to be created in the first place.

I was born a gay man and have known this since I was in 7th or 8th grade. It is something that I have lived with for many years and tried to reconcile within myself. For too many years I denied who I really was. I became the person everyone else wanted me to be and not the person I was born to be. There were so many difficult times and painful emotions that I experienced during this part of my life, but I was able to work through those difficult times and finally accept who I am. Now, I am not only happy to say that I am gay but I am proud of that fact. It is a part of who I am. At this point in my life, I don’t need anything especially acceptance from others. The only real acceptance I ever needed was from me, which I now have. Through acceptance came love and by truly loving myself I became completely comfortable with myself. This has been my journey in life and the rewards of this journey cannot be taken away from me by anyone or anything.

Having traveled this path and gained more than I ever thought possible, I had a strong desire to share my story and learn about other people and their experiences. I believe this to be a basic human trait. To relate to and connect with others. I am reminded of that saying, no man is an island unto himself. I believe that, none of us have to go through life alone. We are surrounded by millions of people who have traveled along similar paths and had similar experiences, so why not share and use those experiences to connect with others especially those people who are not as far along their path as I may be or someone else may be. If there is anything within what I have written or said about my journey that can provide inspiration or hope to someone else who is traveling a similar path, than I am so grateful for having arrived at a place where I can share my story.

I had discovered Curezone a year or so ago and enjoyed several of its forums especially the Spirituality Forum . It was amazing to me to see how many different and interesting forums there were here. A whole array of people who come from different parts of the country or even the world, living within different cultures and believing in different religions who are here to share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. It is truly wonderful. So I decided to ask for a forum to be created where those of us in the gay community could share their thoughts, feelings and experiences. I had the greatest of positive intentions and had no desire to create an environment where I or anyone else was looking for validation or acceptance.

I need not search for that which I already have.


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