I agree to a point. by shadowprophet ..... Alien Abduction Support Forum
Date: 6/16/2006 2:30:17 AM ( 19 y ago)
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But one thing that must be taken into account. Is that weather we humans where here first,or created at some point by outside forces,doesnt matter.
We are here now and even tho that wouldnt make us the rightful heirs to this planet-(If that statment is even true). The truth is that we are here now! And even if some cataclysmic event, or war broke out between us humans and some outside force, trying to wipe us out for reasons of laying clame to this planet, Even while makeing bold proclimations that humanity is a tresspasser on this world, We have to look at our rights as an entity to exisist, To live, To be. We didnt ask to exisist, It was thrust upon us. and now that we are here, we have the right to (BE), And we should be willing to defend that right, To protect each other, our familys, our children, even in the face of bold procilmations like that. To be honest, I believe that,that man did speak to a reptilian.But also take into concideration. That advanced race of beings that claim to be smarter, faster, stronger, and in so many ways she even claimes her race was superior to humans. If this is so then why do they live underground in hideing?
I beleve everything in that story was fact. however I believe some of the facts where twisted to benifer her claims. On the contrary I believe her race in fact are the geneticly engineered decendents of alien beings. This is all very confusing to the minds eye. But in the face of deception, nature has given us a defence, for our so called weak human minds . Its called (Instinct)Your mind can be foold, But our hearts are much more complicated to controll. When you are thretened you mind reacts in unpredictible ways. But your heart will sing a much more clearly noted song,(if anything this is the real gift humanity has).
Never let some entity convince you that your mind is too weak to understand, or your heart is to primitive to make decissions. (By allowing such violations upon ourselves, they have already effectivly controlled our free will)
In colseng I would like to say. Your mind can be fooled. But somtimes even as corny as it sounds,it pays to listen to your heart,Never let anyone tell you,that you dont have the right to exisist, Because its the worst insult imaginibe!!,it doesnt only apply to you but to everyone you have ever loved or cherished,Indeed everyone and everything you hold dear!!. What kind of being would say somthing like that to you?!That is what your heart would call an enemy,Always listen to your heart Never forget these words. The mind makes mistakes. But the heart is more dependible.
Signed, Shadowprophet.
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