Re: cognitive "Stuff" by omniguy ..... Raw Food: The Raw Omnivore Diet
Date: 7/22/2006 10:09:55 AM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 1,746
Hey Tina,
I used to live on gingko..and Bacopa and Vinpocetine,Dmae,Phosphitydle Serine..
You name it I've tried it.Running a helath food store you have a chance to see and use it all.
I am on galantamine right now. It has been shown to slow the procees of Alzheimers.
You sound like me. Crash midday and my mind is racing at night. When my mind races at night,it may be a section of a song, or a word that I hear one day. For example soilioquy..that just keeps recycling and recycling. It is very annoying.
I also wear a Cpap mask for Sleep I can get 12 hours of sleep,yet Im still exhausted. I'm hoping some major changes to diet will help.
How is the temps there in Japan? We were 118 degrees and a city 2 miles west of us was 120..god awful I tell you.
Went to whole foods yesterday to find some coo stuff. It was a complete bust. No raw dairy, no meat that I couldn't purchase without refinancing my home. Just unbelievable
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