I'm not fearful, but I am very uneasy by Mai Li ..... CureZone Moderators Debate and Complaints
Date: 11/28/2004 3:57:00 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 6,076
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=722053
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The reason is the lack of simple direct answers from MH about his "cures", the stalling about an electronic version of his book and the universal backing that such a debunker - of everything except his own rigid view - is getting from those who run CureZone and members of long standing.
If someone had asked Shelley "What is your orange juice diet?" She would have posted details in her FAQS. She would not have said "Send for my book."
You say you are working on a version of that book that can be turned into a pdf file. MH has just posted "Hopefully in a few weeks there will be a shortened version in pdf file available for free down load and this will satisfy those that can't wait."
That's another stall. Why do you need to work on his book to turn it into a pdf file? Why does it need to be shortened. All you need is Adobe Acrobat installed on your PC and one click of the mouse would start the conversion to pdf. Five minutes later there would be a file ready to FTP up to CureZone, from where anyone could download it. You say you have the MH book. Why cant you just make the pdf file, e-mail it to Spirit and get it on line? It could be here for downloading in less than 1 hour.
In one breath you say MH doesn't want anyone to know who he is, in the next you say you are making a website for him. Like others have said, those two things cannot be reconciled. You cannot have a public website and not be known about.
You say he is a Master Herbalist, that isn't a reason for hiding and fearing the consequences of your name being known. How do we know he's a Master Herballist? What information has this person volunteered that gives us any reason to trust anything he says? I dont agree with some of the things Andreas says, but I believe - NO, I DONT BELIEVE, I KNOW - that Andreas is a very good and honest person, who genuinely wants to help people. No way do I get that feeling about MH.
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