Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects- I HAD IT REMOVED ON DAY 6!!!!! by #60339 ..... Mirena, Skyla IUD Forum
Date: 3/18/2006 8:06:28 AM ( 19 y ago)
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I'm 37 years old. Had it placed in on March 9, 2006 and had it removed on March 15, 2006. Felt like I was going to pass an elephant through my cervix, lower back pain, "twinges" in my cervix (would make me double over) that caused anxiety. Pressure in lower abdomen was unreal. My doctor removed it after a 5 minute discussion -she stated it "may just need more time to settle". She said its placement was fine and asked if I would try it for a couple of more days. I said, "No, it's not worth it to me." As soon as it was removed, ALL side effects went away within the hour. After having a child and a spinal tap - I have a very high tolerance for pain- I'm no whimp... This was to be my alternative to heavy periods, but after reading these sad/horrific stories, I KNEW it HAD to go. It took literally ONE second for removal without ANY pain -just relief! LADIES - I am writing this because we shouldn't have to suffer through the side effects of Mirena!!! Remove it. Feel better. Take control over the Mirena - don't let Mirena control YOU!
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